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Going Once.. Going Twice.. Going Wrong!!

This is a fascinating insight into the true story of  what almost happened in Ravenscar over 120 years ago. It unearths the facts, busts the myths and looks at the finances.
The book includes many images and documents that had been long since forgotten.
​It unfolds an extraordinary story revealing the fraud, gambling and womanising of a

wayward reverend.
It looks at the dealings of eminent gentlemen of the time including bankers, barristers, Members of  Parliament and the Privy Council. There are direct associations to two British monarchies. Even one of the greatest social reformers of the time and also the most infamous survivor of the Titanic had a connection with Ravenscar.
​Over one thousand people bought a plot and staked a claim in the new venture. 

​But what went wrong?

‘A well-researched and beautifully illustrated book, ‘The Town that Never Was’ really brings the dream of Ravenscar to life. We were lucky enough to share the passion Marcus and Amanda have for the history of this would-be resort on the recent Victorian Society AGM visit. Our members enjoyed their walking tour and though the weather could have been better it helped illustrate why Ravenscar failed to grow as hoped.  A magical place, thank you for your insights.
Kathryn Ferry
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